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Unable to view email

Adrian Simpkins

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Hi All

So I have a request where I can see one of the Users has sent out an email to the customer, and I can view the email details in the timeline.

However, when I select View Email using the drop down options I am getting the error message Oops! You do not have access to this email. However, I have access all areas permission levels on my logon so I would expect that I would be able to view the email irrespective. What permission's would I be missing to present this error message?

Its not a major issue as we can view the email details as mentioned in the timeline, just interested more to understand why I can not view the email direct.

Many thanks ! 

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To access and email a user needs rights to the mailbox. The mailbox right is comes via custom role, as it is created based on the mailboxes in your system. Check if your user has this mailbox role.

The same message will occur is the user tries to access an email which no longer exists in the system aka deleted (meaning not that is in Deleted Items, actually removed from any mailbox folder including deleted items).

In summary, check if your user has the necessary mailbox rights and/or the email exists in your system.

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Hi Victor

I have access all areas on my logon so permissions should be correct (The other User also has all mailbox permissions).

However when looking at it again, it appears that the email was just added as an attachment by the User, rather than using Apply to Request from the inbox, and I think this caused the issue. I have added it correctly to the request so it is now viewable :)

Many thanks !

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