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I am trying to run and retrieve reports using the Hornbill Report Runner and have entered the relevant information in the conf.json file.

When I run the command "goHornbillReportRunner_x86.exe -file=conf.json" I get the following response in the command prompt:

"---- Hornbill Report Runner V1.0.0 ----
Flag - Configuration File: conf.json
Running report RCV - Check for Re-Openned Calls [417].
[ERROR] Post https://eurapi.hornbill.com/'removed'/reporting/?method=reportRun: dial tcp 'removed': connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond."

Could you offer any advice?


@TomW would be worth looking at the log as there may be additional info in there,  all logging output is saved in the log directory, in the same directory as the executable. The file name contains the date and time the import was run.


@TomW it may also be a timeout issue linked to either the size or number of reports being run, does the problem still occur if you set the json to only do one report, and also specify a simple report that only returns a few results?


Thanks for your advice. The log file shows the following information:

"2020/01/20 09:36:01 ---- Hornbill Report Runner V1.0.0 ----
2020/01/20 09:36:01 Flag - Configuration File: conf.json
2020/01/20 09:36:01 [DEBUG] Loading Config File: C:\Temp/conf.json
2020/01/20 09:36:43 Running report RCV - Check for Re-Openned Calls [417].
2020/01/20 09:37:04 [ERROR] Post https://eurapi.hornbill.com/*removed*/reporting/?method=reportRun: dial tcp *removed*:443: connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond."

When I use nslookup I get the following information:

"C:\Temp>nslookup eurapi.hornbill.com
Server:  *removed*
Address:  *removed*

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    eurapi.hornbill.com
Address:  *removed*"

I am not a network savvy person so I don't understand the response.

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