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Multiple Words Search in My Services Portal in Hornbill

Adam Toms

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We are actively using the Search functionality in the My Services Portal in Hornbill. The search functionality for catalogue/service items that we have created seems to work very well just using a single word when searching, however it doesn't seem to be quite as good at handling multiple words. Are there any plans to improve the search capability to include multiple word searching?

Failing this if anyone is able to provide search suggestions which we could then put on the portal to improve the user experience when searching item with multiple words, that would be gratefully received.

This is using the live.hornbill.com/my-services portal as opposed to the service.hornbill.com

Many Thanks.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest Ehsan

Hi @Adam Toms,

Thank you for your post. Are you still using the My Services portal, or have you transitioned over to the Employee Portal?

As you may have seen at the product overview webinar, we have incorporated a new search engine called Elasticsearch into Hornbill. This has replaced the existing method when searching requests' details, requests' timeline, workspaces and emails; we are actively monitoring the performance, reliability and maintenance of this engine. Currently, we are looking incorporating the search capabilities into FAQs; this model will help extend the search in other areas. There are certainly plans to improve searchability in the portals, however there is a stepping stone which has already began with the FAQs.

Kind regards,


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Hi @Ehsan,

Thanks for your reply. As I'm sure you can appreciate, some time has passed since my original post. I can confirm we have transitioned over to employee portal. Some months ago now, I believe  and there has been some improvements with the search since my original post. 

The search still can be tripped up from my experience with spaces in words for example, smartphone and smart phone doesn't always provide the results you would expect.

I can confirm I did attend the recent webinar, and I can really see value not just for ourselves, but other Hornbill customers and their users also in the improvements in the pipeline.

I look forward to seeing those improvements come through.

Thanks again for the reply.

Kind Regards


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