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Hello. I have the latest GIT hub install of goDBAssetImport. But I am also getting the same error as Joanne in a previous thread back in October, but there are no further updates.

It would appear it is failing when it calls the API, with the error <userid> did not meet the required input pattern contraints

The API key I am using has been created on the Admin user and is active and not expired.

Full error is:

2019/12/30 15:02:58 [DEBUG] ---- Hornbill CSV Asset Import Utility V1.2.1 ----
2019/12/30 15:02:59 [DEBUG] Flag - Config File conf_networkDevice.json
2019/12/30 15:02:59 [DEBUG] Flag - Dry Run true
2019/12/30 15:02:59 [DEBUG] Loading Config File: C:\Temp\goCSVAssetImport/conf_networkDevice.json
2019/12/30 15:02:59 [DEBUG] Processing Assets
2019/12/30 15:03:00 Unable to Search for Asset: Error in stored query, see log for more details
2019/12/30 15:03:00 [DEBUG] API Call XML: <params><application>com.hornbill.servicemanager</application><entity>Asset</entity><searchFilter><column>h_name</column><value></value></searchFilter><maxResults>1</maxResults></params>
2019/12/30 15:03:00 [DEBUG] Create Asset: 
2019/12/30 15:03:00 [ERROR] Unable to Search for Customer [<nil>]: FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/flowcode/fc_ops/shrGetCustomerDetails): nodeName: API Call: userProfileGet; nodeId: 3e1a9a7d-45ca-4e80-ae16-3a473865b996; At 182/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[session::userProfileGet] The value in element <userId> did not meet the required input pattern constraints. at location '/methodCall/params/userId'"

We have to import this way as the GUI asset import does not contain a number of fields we need to import into. Thanks


First thing to check is - are you using the goDBAssetImport or the goCSVAssetImport tool? The log posted suggests the latter but your posts states the former.

The error itself suggests that the import is trying to resolve a User but there is no user in the table it's reading from, if this is the case then you would need to ensure that either every asset has a valid UserID or that nothing in the config is mapping based on a User attribute.

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