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Measures - Date Range start and end variables in measure criteria

Martyn Houghton

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In order to undertake more complex measures and to be able or retrospectively regenerate them, can we request an enhancement to be able to insert the 'Date Ranging Column' start and end date/time stamps in the 'Query where clause'.

For example we want to set a measure that obtains the number of open requests at the end of a period, so we would do a count on requests where the Data Logged is before the end of the period and the date closed is null or after the end of the period.




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Hi @Martyn Houghton

You can already generate a measure that records the number of requests at the end/start of a sample. 

In the below example, I have a measure that runs with a Monthly Frequency. By leaving the "Date Ranging Column" empty, the measure will simply record the count of the criteria at the point the sample runs (in this case, 00:00:00 on the first day of every month). 

Obviously this is a point in time measure, so it's not something you can retrospectively generate as that information is not stored against requests themselves. So be careful that you do not resample this measure, as you will lose all of the samples you had previously recorded



Kind Regards



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@Bob Dickinson

Thanks for the update. We already have the point in time ones in operation, but we have changed our criteria and also migrated other service desks over, so in essence I need to go back in time to recreate them.

Having access to the variables or having new SQL measure type with access to the period values would allow this to be done retrospectively.



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