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Searching requests that I've updated


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Hi @Alisha & @Kelvin,

There's no option at the moment to do exactly what you need with regards to requests within a particular date range I'm afraid. But - you can return all updates that have been made by a specific user on the timelines of requests that you have visibility of by tagging AND updateby:username on the end of a global search query (see below). Note, replace steveg with the ID of the user to search updates made by, and make sure you set the area to search to Timeline (it defaults to Details). You can filter by the other available selections too, to refine your results even further.


And to return posts/comments from a specific year, month or date, you could always tag a wildcarded clause against updatedate on the search query, for example: email AND updateby:steveg AND updatedate:"2016-12%" would return updates containing the word email made by the user steveg in December 2016



I hope this helps.


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There is also a cool History feature  within the Bookmarks that shows you the history of where you have been.  This does not bring back things that you have specifically updated but it is a nice way to quick go back to something that you were recently looking at. Using the Search bar can let you narrow it down.  In this case I use IN00 in the search to show recently viewed incidents.


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Hi @Steve G,

Thank you so much! This is exactly what we need.

When I search for my updates it shows all updates including those added automatically by the Business Process - is there a way to filter out just the updates that I have typed onto the request?

Also, is there a way to see how many times I have added a customer as 'Impacted' each month using this method? I have used "impacted" AND updateby:username AND updatedate:"2019-09%" but this has not worked.

Many thanks,

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