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Collaboration Update Notifications

Martyn Houghton

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I receive an email when a Platform Update is applied in our maintenance windows, but do not seem to get any notifications when a Collaboration Update is applied to our instance.

Is there a setting to receive this notifications for Collaboration updates, or should both the Platform and Collaboration updates which are applied automatically be notified by the same setting?

Also do the Collaboration updates also apply int he maintenance window?




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@Martyn Houghton, the setting of notify update applies only to the platform. You don't have control on the Collaboration and Admin Tool updates and is not controlled form any of the settings as that is available for all the customers at once (live.hornbill.com) . The way to get an email when there is an update is by subscribing to the announcements forum channel ( https://community.hornbill.com/forum/135-announcements/ ).

Have a nice day,


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