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I  am trying to copy a note/card from one board to another but not all my boards are listed, why would a board not be visible on the 'copy to' list?

The board definitely exists as cards are added to the lanes as part of a business process.






@Shamaila.Yousaf you will only be able to copy the card to a board if you have the Can Add permission for the board you are trying to copy too.

Try going to the board you want to copy the card to and clicking the Share Board button in the top right to check you have the Add permission for that board.



Trevor Harris


The only other possibilities I can think of as to why it wouldn't be displayed in the Copy to list is if it was a project manager board as its only possible to copy to boardmanager boards currently or if the board was archived as it wouldn't be displayed then either. 

Otherwise not really sure - how many boards do you have? could it be they don't all fit on the screen?

  • Confused 1

The boards are all the same type (that i can see).  


I have 13 boards, none of which are archived.  


Not sure what you mean by it possibly not fitting on the screen. They all display in alphabetical order nicely on the screen - must be something to do with the settings as this is the only board created by system administrator whereas the others were created by me.


Will have Dan Riley look into this for me at our next meeting.


Thanks for your support with this @TrevorHarris:).

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