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Hi all,

On our case management system, when we attempt to open a case we are presented with a floating window that shows important information about the client before going into the case itself.  I thought similar functionality might be neat for Hornbill for example - "please escalate to MS before communicating as is investigating a wider machine issue", or "this user is only available by mobile".  Not sure on the thoughts of this functionality by other members of the forum?

Also, is there an area we can attach files/emails to user records? 



  • Like 1
is that not what the RHS of the ProCap forms do? Maybe we need to be able to customize them more?
1 minute ago, Gerry said:
is that not what the RHS of the ProCap forms do? Maybe we need to be able to customize them more?

Really sorry @Gerry I've no idea what that means :unsure:


@Michael Sharp

If it is user specific information, have you considered including this info about the customer in the customer's record and it's custom fields?  you can then choose to display that info in the customer section on each request?


You could set the default to have the Customer section on a request pinned open, so it would be visible when the request is opened?


In this case the user is a VIP


Or where you thinking more like a notes section which might always appear at the top of the request activity stream, which agents can add notes to on the fly regarding the individual ticket, so other agents viewing the ticket would see this key info?  Kind of like the billboard feature we have for the activity stream in our workspace feature (see below)

In this example the This is a message which will always appear at the top of the activity stream is a billboard notice which will always appear at the top





It sounds like some sort of Key Detail or Key Information about the client that Michael is looking for.

In another system I managed we have these as Key Detail, and using SQL we can flag up an alert if the condition is met and display certain text.

For example if someone is deaf, you might need to produce an alert at every screen where this client is linked to, to inform the officer that this person is hearing impaired and can only be contact via SMS or email.

Having this embedded in the Custom fields of a client is ok, but it only works if someone is looking for that detail and not everyone checks that.

Having an alert popup based on certain criteria would be even better, at the point of logging a call against that customer, as well as from within the ticket.

Nice idea @Michael Sharp +1, I can see this being used for various different siutations... 



  • Like 1
On 8/6/2019 at 3:06 PM, Steven Boardman said:

@Michael Sharp

If it is user specific information, have you considered including this info about the customer in the customer's record and it's custom fields?  you can then choose to display that info in the customer section on each request?


You could set the default to have the Customer section on a request pinned open, so it would be visible when the request is opened?


In this case the user is a VIP


Or where you thinking more like a notes section which might always appear at the top of the request activity stream, which agents can add notes to on the fly regarding the individual ticket, so other agents viewing the ticket would see this key info?  Kind of like the billboard feature we have for the activity stream in our workspace feature (see below)

In this example the This is a message which will always appear at the top of the activity stream is a billboard notice which will always appear at the top



@Steven Boardman I think @samwoo is bang on the money with his example (especially for the benefit of customers who have special needs requirements) and the arguments against the notes section against the customer.  I think the ability to add a bulletin style "note" on the top of all requests for a particular customer might work?  



  • 4 weeks later...

Have found another example where this functionality would be useful - when a staff leaver is registered we would like a red banner at the top of each request (perhaps just under as they may request an export of data which is not authorised for example.  This would be visible if a text string is present in a defined field.  Have mocked something up below:


Thoughts @samwoo @Steven Boardman @Gerry @davidrb84 ?



  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Michael Sharp said:

Have found another example where this functionality would be useful - when a staff leaver is registered we would like a red banner at the top of each request (perhaps just under as they may request an export of data which is not authorised for example.  This would be visible if a text string is present in a defined field.  Have mocked something up below:


Thoughts @samwoo @Steven Boardman @Gerry @davidrb84 ?




If this can be set up via the BPM as part of the leaver process this would serve as a great way to automate this sort of info. 

Nice idea @Michael Sharp


@Michael Sharp thanks for the examples, this is certainly an area which is popular, and we have various slightly different variants on the need / use of banners at the top of the request including:

* Important information taken from fields on a customer / contact / org record

* Important updates from the request record itself which are important if multiple agents / teams are collaborating on the request

Given that the data may come from different places, and there maybe cases where multiples of data is desired to be displayed, we need to consider the best way to achieve this. 

@James Ainsworth is aware of the requirement and we will look at different approaches to this and post back once there is progress in this area.

5 hours ago, Steven Boardman said:

@Michael Sharp thanks for the examples, this is certainly an area which is popular, and we have various slightly different variants on the need / use of banners at the top of the request including:

* Important information taken from fields on a customer / contact / org record

* Important updates from the request record itself which are important if multiple agents / teams are collaborating on the request

Given that the data may come from different places, and there maybe cases where multiples of data is desired to be displayed, we need to consider the best way to achieve this. 

@James Ainsworth is aware of the requirement and we will look at different approaches to this and post back once there is progress in this area.



@James Ainsworth @Steven Boardman 

If I can throw this idea in.  If a request has another agent present (within the past 5 minutes) the presence (or peer presence) will be green - this will otherwise be grey.  If you hover over a green spot, this will show the agent/list of agents.

Further to this, if an "important information" field is populated on a user/customer record, this will display the red bar at the top with the corresponding text.  Further to this, a BPM could be used to adjust this.

2 hours ago, Michael Sharp said:



@James Ainsworth @Steven Boardman 

If I can throw this idea in.  If a request has another agent present (within the past 5 minutes) the presence (or peer presence) will be green - this will otherwise be grey.  If you hover over a green spot, this will show the agent/list of agents.

Further to this, if an "important information" field is populated on a user/customer record, this will display the red bar at the top with the corresponding text.  Further to this, a BPM could be used to adjust this.

+1 as well to this idea!

47 minutes ago, Steven Boardman said:

Hi @Michael Sharp thanks for the presence suggestion. We already have a story for this in our backlog, but i have added you to this ( @samwoo you are already connected to this one as well from another forum post). This is not scheduled yet, but as it is and progresses we'll update back here 

Thanks @Steven Boardman - exciting times!

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

@Steven Boardman @Gerry could I resurrect this please?  The banner would have been a really useful feature to identify staff on furlough (i.e. don't bother trying to repeatedly contact them)!!!

Also the presence feature would be useful to identify which requests engineers are looking at - I'm thinking a filter could then leverage this alongside My Requests, All My Services, Active Requests?




@Michael Sharp yes it has been considered as an option (as all suggestions are),  and we have a story for it, in our backlog with the interested parties defined against it.  Obviously we work based on priorities and if feature requests gather good community support, it helps us push their position up the list.   


Hi Michael,

Thanks for your post.  I'm afraid that because there have been multiple requests for different features within this one post, I not completely sure which one you are referring to.  Your original post asked for a floating notice before opening the request.  There are also requirement for flagging unique aspects of the customer, possibly within the customer section of the request.  There is also a mention for having a "Presence Feature".  

The one requirement that did catch my eye was the one where you presented this mock-up.



The change for this requirement, has been moved from our backlog, but is still undergoing planning.  We are looking to introduce single line notice banners that can be added using the BPM and displayed as in your mock-up.  If possible we will extend this out to allow a notice to be manually added.  For example if you are talking to a customer and they ask, "Please only contact me by email", you would be able to manually add that notice.

Is this what you are looking for?

Once planning is completed and development started I will be able to give you a better idea on delivery time.  There are a lot of other planned changes in the queue.  




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