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Hi All

we have at the moment 2 service specific bulletins setup to show relevant messages to our Customers, but when i view the Customer portal it appears there is a 3rd bulletin which appears which is advising Customers to login and references our instance name - where would I amend this / remove this please ? As the customer is already logged in to the portal this message is not relevant. I have checked all our Services (both live and retired services checked) but nothing showing other than the 2 bulletins I have setup (screenshot below shows the bulletin data).

Many thanks



@Adrian Simpkins this is the Home Image Text, which is configured under the Home > System > Manage Portals in the admin console

You can set the home page text

The main image text field is the 'MSE Service Portal'

The Section title field contains your other text

If you don't want any text here you can simply put a in these fields and they will then be blank on the portals. 



You can also set a Home image for the background of this home / landing  banner, using the home page image 


Hope that helps



Hi Steve

Thanks, I didnt consider checking the main page configuration so this is perfect - thank you

Just to clarify if I did want to change the background image where would I normally store this image as I note it is using a HTTPS address for the image - is this stored locally on our side, or is it something loaded to Hornbill?

Many thanks


Hi @Adrian Simpkins the image just needs to be accessible - Hornbill does not host these home images. 

For example looking at some of the images on your website, you could add your image into one of those folders on your web server.  

Taking an example image from your website, i see these have  http addresses:



You could still use these, but you would need to use a URL Shortner service like https://bitly.com/

If you use this service, you simply put in your http address, and it will return a shortened but also a HTTPS address, which you can then use when defining the homepage iamge address in Hornbill (example below for the same image from your website but with a bitly.com shortened HTTPS Address. 



This should be the same approach which you may have used for your organisations logo image?

You could also look in one of many Royalty free background image websites and utilise one of their images if you prefer - they are generally all HTTPS addresses. 

Hope that helps

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