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Customer Feedback

John C

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Is there anyway that when the above is provided to an analyst re an incident or a request that a copy of the mail notifying him/her be sent to their manager too which is already stated in the profile of their Hornbill account? 


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@John C

The recent build for Service Manager added in new notification options, which included the submission of feedback by both Hornbill Notification and Email, but only sent to the owner of the request or the team.

There is no option at the moment to include the analyst manager or the manager/team leader as defined in the organisation object. That would need to be added as a enhancement if the option was to be built in.

You could probably achieve it via the BPM, but would need to await the existing enhancements requested to Suspend Awaiting Feedback and access to the h_rating field on the request details.





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@Martyn Houghton, thank you.

I see this was logged originally two years ago and still nothing implemented, it seems an easy option to enable as I said once the manager is specified in the analysts profile also in Hornbill. I set something similar re SLA's and them breaching that i get an email an hour before etc just by choosing "Owners Manager" as below


It's very annoying having to troll through every incident/request to read comments etc, a link would be sooooo handy :)





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@John C @Martyn Houghton we are have just completed development on a new business process option - this is a suspend await customer feedback this will be available not in the next Service Manager update, but in the one following that (so possibly a few weeks out). 

If you use this option, you will be able to wait for the customer feedback in your process to be be received.  Being a suspend node, you will have an expiry option, so you can set this to coincide with the expiry on your customer feedback request.  From here you can branch the process:

1. If Expired and no feedback is provided do x

2. If feedback received, use a get request owner info node, then add their manager to the request as a connection, and auto email the connection using an email template which includes a link back to the request where the feedback as been provided. 

A few steps involved in this to be fair, and i will enquiry about a couple of options

* The ability to branch on the feedback star rating - you may only want them to get an email if it was below 2 etc

* The ability to get the owner's manager's email so you won't need to add them as a connection to then email (will save a few nodes in each business process)

Hope this helps 


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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Martyn Houghton sorry for the delay reply, I have been on leave for a couple of weeks. 

I've just checked with the team and the Rating value will be available in the Get Request Details option in the business process designer, so you will be able to evaluate this and make decisions based off it,  in the next Service Manager update.  This should be available later this week, or early next.  

  • Thanks 1
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