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Unable to send emails when Mailbox name is left as 'Auto'

Adrian Simpkins

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Hi All

So we have 3 separate mailboxes all feeding into the one instance of Hornbill (we are currently comprised of 3 different Active Directorys / mailboxes until we become one entity at some point in the future). I have setup full access to each of these mailboxes, and granted this access to myself.

However, when checking this function out, I can only get emails to generate if I set the mailbox to my local mailbox, but when setting it to 'Auto' I am getting the below error. Can anyone advise what I may be missing, as I am sure it is just a configuration issue somewhere ?

We will need to have this set as 'Auto' due to the setup of our AD / Emails / teams at the moment, so it needs to work so that any of our analysts from each AD can access the request and send an email from their own local mailbox. In effect we will have 3 1st line teams, 3 2nd line teams etc until we have one common AD and Email.

Many thanks


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@Adrian Simpkins when it's set to Auto it does some stuff behind the scenes to see if a value from a variable with the same value exists. Pretty unlikely for something like this, so it should be changed to Manual and a Mailbox specified.

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Hi Chaz

Thanks for confirming. This does present a dilema though as we have 3 seperate mailboxes, and at some point we will want our Analysts to work any of the requests that come in from each site into each mailbox - would this mean we would have to have 3 seperate setups until we have one common email for all 3 sites as I would only be able to set one mailbox against the BPMs?

Many thanks

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Could you put some logic in around the domain the customer is using? 

So a decision node following a Get Request Info with 3 outputs for the three mailboxes. You would need to set the decision branches like this: 


And the whole thing would look like:


Bit of a pain I know but I think it is probably the best way to ensure the correct mailbox is used. 

If you merge you 1 and 2 together before 3 for example you could just leave the logic for domain 3 and then have a No Match for the other 2


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You would definitely need to ensure that a No Match option was present, just for that one time it crops up and you'd otherwise be left with a broken process.

You can either have the No Match go to the node for your default domain, or to a second decision node that deals with the unmatched route separately.

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