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Scheduled time issue


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Hi all, 

We've got an issue with the call schedule showing an hour later than intended. 

We have an automated process where a script makes an API call to Hornbill to update the call with the scheduled start and end time as shown below. 


The problem is that the API call we made above provided a time of 10am and 11am for start and end time. 

We can see in the database that the time seems to be converted to BST as the time in the database entry for the call is the same as the above schedule.

My question is, how can we stop this conversion?




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@Andytaylor93 The API expects the UTC date and time so that no matter your timezone or if BST is in effect or not, it will always be returned and displayed correctly.

I'll get the documentation updated to reflect this requirement.

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Hi @Andytaylor93,

Your issue with seeing the BST datetimes in the database itself, I presume you're using the Database Direct functionality in the admin console to view the data? If so, then you need to make sure you have Return Raw Data selected to return the actual datetime stored in the database. Having Return Formatted Data selected (which is the default selection) will bring the datetimes converted for your local timezone (BST, UTC+1 in this case). 




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Hi guys,

Our issue with this formatting comes when we send an email notification out stating what date and time we are performing a change or release.

It appears the email template does not have "scheduledStartDate" or "scheduledEndDate" which out put as raw format, so to get around this in the BPM we assign the start and end date to custom fields 21 and 22 which are formatted as date time so are adding the BST conversion in.

Would it be possible to get "scheduledStartDate" and "scheduledEndDate" added to the available variables for email templates?



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  • 2 weeks later...


Another issue this is causing is that, as we're trying to create an automated pipeline between Hornbill and JIRA for deployments, we were putting the call on hold until its scheduled time, however as this is out by an hour this is causing problems, do you have a solution for the scheduled time to show correctly as per the time logged from the JIRA ticket?



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