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Creating Cost Centre In Organistion

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I'm using the LDAP Importer to import users from AD ... on the User Options section it adds them to our company and a cost centre.

The cost centres generally exist in the organisation section already - and if it does it exist then the user is added to the correct one, however if a new cost centre is created in our accounts systems this isn't automatically created in Hornbill when the LDAP import runs.

In our old Supportworks system we had the cost centre import run as a separate process before the users were imported - would I need to have the same happen in Hornbill with a separate LDAP import scheduled to run before the main user import? 

I have this set on the user import at the minute:

ldap import options.JPG

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Hi @SimonSheldon,

The LDAP import tool won't currently import new cost centre records if a match is not found. Are these cost centres just in your LDAP, or are they stored seperately in your accounts system too? The reason I ask is that we're in the process of writing an import tool for group type records (so cost centres, departments, teams etc) which could be pointed at a database or ODBC data source of your choice, that could be scheduled to regularly import any new cost centre records in to Hornbill.



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Thanks Steve - That sounds like just the ticket - similar to what we used to have in Supportworks then?

They are in AD but also in our accounts system - which is Oracle DB based - and also held in a SQL Database which would probably be the preferred option.

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@SimonSheldon Yeah exactly, import your cost centres then follow it up directly with your user import.

SQL would be the preferred option for us, the tool already supports SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB and ODBC. I'll give @Victor a nudge to get it released, as he's the one who's been writing it :) 



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