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Reporting across multiple Services

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I have just started enabling Timesheet manager, and had a question around the reporting i was hoping you could advise on please.

Some of our Users will be managers of  teams which will cover several services, so I wanted to clarify if they build a timesheet category / sub-category to report on, for example called 'Request Update' does this return data showing the update time for all their teams services?

I have set myself up as the manager of a team, then setup Timesheet recording on 2 services the teams are subscribed to, and built 2 categories named after each service to check the update time, but it appears I can only assign the 'Update' action to one of the categories on the 'Manage Default Categories' screen, so I wanted just to understand if I have configured this correctly.

So in short can does setting a category called for example 'Request Update'  pull data and report against all of a Teams Services update time, or can I set a category to report against each Services 'Request Update' time ?

Many thanks, hope my explanation is not too jumbled !


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Hi @Adrian Simpkins, thanks for your post.

We are about to make several big changes to TImesheet Manager which will be available through an update very soon.

The way that the categories work is that they are created and then shared with users, be it via roles, groups or individually nominated users. As part of the integration with Service Manager you can choose to enable the time recording functionality per action (update, resolution etc) within each service. If I understand you correctly, you're essentially looking for different categories per service? This is unfortunately not how it currently works. A single category can be set against an action. It's not possible to set a different category for the same action across different services.

You can of course achieve what you are trying to achieve by writing a report. I would suggest logging all of your request update time against the same category across different services and then using the condition builder to filter out/in certain services as you so choose.

As I said, there is a big change coming to Timesheet Manager in the way time is recorded and viewed. We are planning to overhaul the categories part of the application once this update is released so definitely watch this space!

We are always interested in hearing from our customers with regards to the type of reports and data that they wish to get out of the system so please do post about what it is you want to achieve and we will do our very best to help.


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Hi Alex

Thank you for the above update.

As we were just looking at the output of Timesheet Manager reports, and were not necessarily looking to use it from day One I will await this pending update as it sounds like there may be some more enhancements pending!

Once the new update is available, perhaps we can revisit the issue I was having (which of course may be addressed with the update!)

Many thanks


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