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Report based on Board status


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Morning all,

Is there a way to run a report based on the board status of a change?

We have a change board in service manager and wold like to run a report showing us what list on the board they are on:image.thumb.png.abc91ba072e8884021e33e762cd7b2e7.png

I'm sure there will be a feature but i'm not sure how to go about it?

Many thanks


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4 hours ago, yelyah.nodrog said:

wold like to run a report showing us what list on the board they are on

@yelyah.nodrog - if I read this correctly, you are looking of a report that shows requests (change requests) and on what list (on the board) they currently are? If yes, this is correct, then the answer is no, I'm afraid... and not even a feature would be able to provide what you need :( 

The main reasons why you can't have this report is a) the way the list information is stored in Service manager boards makes it impossible to be used in a report and b) you are using Service Manager boards :) 

My advice would be to look into migrating the boards you have in Service Manager to Board Manager app. You have a much richer functionality if using Board Manager and such reports become trivial.


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