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Alternatives to SCCM / HP (MicroFocus) Orchestrator

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Hi all, 

I am looking for some ideas to automate our AD account creation using Service Manager. 

We currently use on prem AD and Exchange (moving to Azure Hybrid in the (near?) future) and I looked at SCCM and what once was the free HP Orch (since bought out by MicroFocus) and they are both very costly with the added bonus of SCCM being a pig to setup and configure. 

We are using PDQ Inventory and Deploy to manage software deployments, MDT for hardware builds all in all they work well. 

So, one of the last things on my list of things to kill is manual account creation. 


I am pushing for role based access, having templates for users who work in common areas of the business, for the most part and could quite easily setup the required fields in SM, both PC and BPM. What I am looking for is some orchestration software that fills the following criteria: 

1) Doesn't cost the same a space shuttle launch every year (I am looking at you SCCM) 
2) Is relatively simple to setup / configure / make changes to workflows (I am looking at you MicroFocus (although more the pricing model than the software))
3) I can trigger with Hornbill integrations somehow.  (*Glances at Hornbill Dev Team*)

Anything that anyone is using right now meet the above? Even close? 

Otherwise we are going to go down a rabbit hole involving Powershell and APIs or email notifications that I would rather stay clear of.


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