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Unable to delete emails using 'Empty Folder'

Dan Munns

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Hi all,

Currently in our Service Desk mailbox we have just over 15000 emails in the deleted items folder (I know, I know) but when trying to delete them using the 'Empty Folder' option I get  the Hornbill circle for a while and then error -1.

This is a timeout error in Fiddler. I am assuming that this is due to the large number of emails to be deleted. 

 Can I do anything to delete these or will I have to ask you guys to delete them for me? 

I am in the process of pushing the point of mailbox maintenance on the offending teams. 



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Have you tried removing using the option in Administration?  There is a chance that in the backend it is calling the same API to perform this and you might run into the same issue, but I thought it might be worth a go.  Just remember, if you delete emails that are linked to requests, you will not be able to access those emails from the request any longer.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I raised a support request about this issue in Oct 2017 (IN00148538), it was never truly resolved..

I still get the same error, Hb had to empty the box for me(which was fab!) and i was informed a permanent fix would be in the next update, but it never happened. I should of pulled it up but it was quite low on my priority list unfortunately.

I just wanted the deleted items box to be empty as we have 44000+ emails in there taking up space.


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  • 2 weeks later...

@yelyah.nodrog firstly, apologies for the troubles with this. We did apply a permanent fix at that time which addressed the root cause for why you could not empty the folder at that time. However, many things have changed since 2 years ago, and unfortunately this means that now we have another issue when emptying folders, and this time for completely different reasons. This was and is being addressed by our developers. My advice would be to also raise a support request so we can perform the same exercise we done for Dan.

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