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FAQs Images not displayed to customers on portal


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Images uploaded to FAQs are being displayed to customers on the portal. Technician accounts can see the images. 

This appears to be due to the recent change in how images are stored. Previously they were stored as raw code in the HTML, now they are stored as files on the live.hornbill server. Unfortunately, it appears that customers do not have access to the live.hornbill directory.

I confirmed this issue by creating a new FAQ on the hornbill/demo site and attempted to view the image on the portal with the Stever user. I have included images below of the issue. The image on the top is viewing as Stever, the image on the bottom is viewing as Grahamc. The exact url of my test image is: https://live.hornbill.com/demo/php/attachment/image.php?application=com.hornbill.servicemanager&entity=Faqs&key=173&secure&filepath=image1555001780424.021.jpeg

As a side note, I noticed images uploaded as .jpg are being converted to .jpeg. 



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Hi @Giuseppe Iannacone

Sorry for not having this looked at yet.  At the moment I can't see if you have a Premier Success plan with us or not.  If you do, I would recommend raising a request directly with the support team.  Requests raised as part of the success plan do get prioritized.  We do our best to look at and respond to as many posts on the community forum as possible.  While I can see that it can be replicated on our demo instance I'll look to see if I can replicate it on a production instance.  



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Hi @EvanD

I can see that the development team has raised a defect record for this.  This suggests that they have managed to replicate.  Turn around on raised defects is usually very quick once raised.   Keep an eye open on the Service Manager release notes over the next few updates.  I'll try to post back once I'm aware that a fix has been put in place.



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Hi @James Ainsworth

It has been nearly two months since I reported this defect and I verified today that it is still happening. 
FAQs are unusable until this is fixed.

The solution is something along the lines of creating a new image directory on the support.hornbill.com/<instance> site and adding a function when Creating or Updating an FAQ. The function could use an IF statement to determine if the visibility of the FAQ is BOTH or PORTALS. There should also be a variable defined for the img src (let's call it $ImageLocation). It would probably be easiest to ensure uniqueness for variables to include the image name as part of the variable name. For example $image1559751250138Location. 
IF True (visible on PORTAL or BOTH):  Set $imageLocation to the "support.hornbill.com/<instance>/<image directory>".
Also, Run check if image already exists in the image directory, and if not, move it to the new location.
If False (visible only on SERVICE DESK): Set $ImageLocation = "live.hornbill.com/<instance>/php/attachment/image.php?application=com.hornbill.servicemanager&amp;entity=Faqs&amp;key=4&amp;secure&amp;filepath=". Again, checking if image already exists in the image directory, and if not, moveingit to the new location.

Another variable would be defined to store the image name at the time the image is uploaded ($imageName) and added to the end of $ImageLocation to create a new variable $ImagePath.
The Source Code would look something like:  <Img src="<?php echo $ImagePath; ?>" />

Permissions to view the images would use the same permissions as viewing the Services. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. 



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Hi Evan,

Looking at the record that was raised to fix this issue, the work was completed a couple of weeks ago and the fix is scheduled to be included in the next Service Manager update which we should expect to see over the next few weeks.

I can also see that you now have a Premier Success Plan with Hornbill as of a few weeks ago.  This now allows you to raise these types of issues directly with the support team which will include resolution targets for the issues that you raise. 



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