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Change to permissions?

Dan Munns

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Has there been a change to permissions recently? 

I have users who are unable to complete tasks assigned to other teams which support the same service. They used to be able to do this fine. 

So, in the most recent issue, a user logged a password reset. This was triaged by Service Desk and a tesk to reset the password created and assigned to Service Desk. The ticket was then passed to another team who also support the service and the analyst could not close the request down as it wasnt assigned to his team. 

All users of the core IT teams have the role: Advanced Request Task Completer and I have not had this issue before in the entire time we have used SM. Recently over the last few weeks, I have had the issue reported to me upwards of 30 times, which means I have to reassign the task to the new team manually. 




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@Dan Munns I've been through a few scenarios but could only replicate by removing the 'Advanced Request Task Completer' right. The right is automatically given to anyone with a full access role (Change Management Full Access for example) or you can create your own role and then selectively give it out.

If that's all in place, I see you have a success plan and this requires more investigation so it would be worth raising a support request with us.

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@Dan Munns just to rule one more thing out, are these regular 'human tasks' or are they authorisations? Authorisations cannot be completed on behalf of someone else, they would need to be re-assigned first.

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@Chaz they are just run of the mill tasks.

I thought it was because they are assigned to a team the user isn't a member of, but that has never been an issue in the past (from what I can work out)

I will raise a ticket tomorrow as I am on annual leave today

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@Chaz I have been made aware of a scenario similar (I believe) to what Dan reported.

In one of our BPM, we have an "Approval" task. Before, only the assignee could complete the approval task. But recently, any analyst seem to be able to.


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@Lyonel just to confirm, the user wasn't re-assigned the task and they're not the owner of it? I take it the advanced task completer functionality is turned off on your instance?

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