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Is it possible, when composing one-off emails directly from the inbox and using templates, to either:

a) Allow us to select the templates created in System Administration, or

b) Include a source button to allow us to code our e-mails in HTML directly?


Hi @IntegraGreg,

You can't select a template created by one user (System Admin), what you can do is share the template with a group (in the internal org structure) .

When managing the template, select add to Group.



We don't allow inserting the entire HTML because the allowed HTML elements is very restrictive, so whatever you do that is not within the allowed structure will be automatically removed.

What it will allow you to do is to copy from a browser and paste it there, however, it will also remove whatever is not allowed, so it might change a bit.





Hi @Daniel Dekel 

Thanks for the explanation, I was wondering if it were to possible to include the templates created under System Administraton site rather than the user, under System/Email/Templates.


Many thanks,


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