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We've recently encountered an issue whereby an analyst added a lengthy update to an incident of critical priority, but set the visibility as "Owner" before going on leave. We therefore didn't know what information the analyst had placed on the request, and had no way of providing updates to management etc. 

Therefore, is there a role or setting that enables certain admins of the system to see ALL updates, regardless of the visibility? 




Hi @James Ainsworth @Daniel Dekel @Steven Boardman

Apologies for picking on you directly. Are you able to advise if there is an option as above?

Also, we've seen that the "Owner" option isn't on all requests. As an example, I currently have three open requests, all of which I am the owner for, and only one displays "Owner" for visibility when adding an update to the request. Can you confirm what the criteria is for this to be listed please, as I'd assumed it would be visible to the owner?



Guest Ehsan

Hi @Lauren,

You can configure the default visibility that is applied when viewing the selector n the Assign Action Tab. This can be achieved via guest.ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.operation.defaultVisibility.assign application setting through the Admin Tool (https://admin.hornbill.com/[INSTANCE NAME]/) > Navigate to Service Manager Tile > Settings Tile > Filter the results to find the application setting.



The Owner visibility level is only shown to you if you're providing an update as the owner of the Request. In the example below, I'm the owner of a Request and hence I can select the Owner visibility level prior to performing a new update. 



I then re-assigned the Request to a different user. Following a refresh, I can no longer see the Owner visibility level, as I'm no longer the owner of the Request.



I hope this helps.




Hi @Ehsan

Apologies if I wasn't quite clear in my previous posts. I am the owner of a request, yet the option to set the visibility as "Owner" of that request doesn't appear:


If required, incident number is IN00033547. It seems very intermittent and shows on only some requests I am the owner of. It is the same for other analysts.

My other question, was that if someone sets the visibility of an update to "Owner" - is there a role or setting that we can switch on that will enable certain administrators of the system to see that update, or all updates where the visibility is set to "Owner"?



Guest Ehsan

Hi @Lauren,

I am a member of the Development team hence I won't be able to access your instance due to our security policy but this can be looked at if we don't reach a conclusion.

Could you kindly let me know what the default visibility of the Assign Action Tab is (i.e. the value of guest.ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.operation.defaultVisibility.assign)?

The options available is limited, depending on the default visibility level. Depending on the value and your visibility to a Request, the options below are available...

  • When default visibility level is Customer - You're only shown Public and Customer options.
  • When default visibility level is Team - You're shown Public, Customer, Member and Team options.
  • When default visibility is Owner - You're shown Public, Customer, Member, Team and Owner options.

Do you "Follow" some of those Requests and not some of the others?



No one either the owner will be able to see Timeline posts that have a visibility of Owner - Hence the lock icon beside the option. If this is of concern, you can disable the "owner" option via 

ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.operation.popup.values application setting and it will never appear for any user again.




Hi @Ehsan

The default visibility of guest.ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.operation.defaultVisibility.assign is set to Customer.

I don't follow any of the requests. I did have a thought though - could this be down to the fact that I'm a member of multiple teams? Does that have any effect on the "Owner" value at all?

Thanks for letting me know about locking it - I think that may be a good option.




For this particular incident, you could temporarily reassign the request to yourself. You would then be the owner and be able to see the update.  You wouldn't be able to change the visibility of the original post, but you could copy and add it again with a different visibility set against it.



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