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Failure when uploading attachments

Dan Munns

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I have a user who is unable to attach files to a request when logging via the PC but can add them to the request once logged. 

The errors in the log looks to be: 

1736448	04/03/2019 13:28	warn	scripts	16236	nodeName: Process File Attachments; nodeId: 5ba155d4-2364-45a0-ac3a-0d43a3e9ed56; "EspMethodCall:invoke: Operation[apps\/com.hornbill.servicemanager\/Requests:systemAttachFilesFromSession] You do not have sufficient application rights to invoke this operation. You need the right: app.h.executeSystemAPIs"

1736447	04/03/2019 13:28	warn	comms	16236	Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests:systemAttachFilesFromSession] You do not have sufficient application rights to invoke this operation. You need the right: app.h.executeSystemAPIs

1736446	04/03/2019 13:28	error	perf	16132	apps:systemAttachFilesFromSession() Method call results: failure (348827648 B, 1 ms, -8 kB, 0 ms, 0 kB)

1736445	04/03/2019 13:28	warn	system	16132	XMLMC Request Failed: You do not have sufficient application rights to invoke this operation. You need the right: app.h.executeSystemAPIs

Any ideas? 

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Hi @Dan Munns

Thanks for the post.   I've just been investigating and it looks like there may have been a rights issue in the build of the Service Manager app that you are running which has been corrected in the build made available today (1452).  Once the latest update is applied this should fix your issue, if it persists then please post back.

Kind Regards,


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