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Broken BPM - Monitoring

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We reply quite heavily on BPM Workflows to both route and notify teams when a new request is logged or it is assigned to them. There can be the very odd occasion when either down to a workflow or platform change, the BPM process can become broken. If this happens when a new request is logged via the customer portal or auto routing rules, the request will not generate the necessary notifications, Service Level Assignment and assignment operations.

In order to ensure these situations and requests are identified, is it possible by a SQL Query to identify requests which have a broken BPM workflow? If it is, I can then look at using the advanced analytics to monitor the current status/count.



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Not exactly broken BPM but BPM's that gives an error. This is what I use.

SELECT CONCAT('https://live.hornbill.com/{YOUR INSTANCE}/servicemanager/request/view/',h_pk_reference) FROM h_itsm_requests
JOIN h_bpm_instance ON h_bpm_instance.h_id = h_itsm_requests.h_bpm_id
WHERE h_bpm_instance.h_state LIKE '%<error>%' and h_status not in ('status.closed', 'status.cancelled')

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Hi Martyn,

I have this report that I created.  Being a report, you can schedule it save to a document in Document Manager. On this report I have set it so that it only shows BPM instances that include BPM versioning.  The reason for that is these BPM instances that have a BPM version greater than 0 should be able to be fixed using the BPM Tool Box.  The BPM Instance ID on this report can be used to open the BPM Instance with the BPM Tool Box.



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