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How do I force the status of requests from resolved to closed on mass? Due to the way the BPM were initally created at go live, we have a lot of calls stuck in a resolved status and will never move to a closed status. We want to force this change on mass so we can get accurate reports on closed calls. Thanks


Andy Hodkinson


@AndyHodkinsonPrincesIT you can do this from the request list multi-select actions

On the request list, filter to change requests and those in a resolved status. you can then click or multi-select (CMD+ Shift on mac) to select multiple in one go and then use the request actions in the toolbar.

On the request actions you will then have a Close option


Do bear in mind the out of the box function which will only allow multi-select actions against tickets of the same type and logged against the same service.  You can override this through system settings and is detailed more here: 


Hope this helps 


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