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New Update: Hornbill Service Manager (1392)

Harry Hornbill

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Hello Everyone

The latest build of Hornbill Service Manager (1392) has been released to live.

Change Log for this release are as follows:

  1. NEW: You can now subscribe a Site to a Service {CH00142893}
  2. NEW: Added a suspend BPM operation for Linked Request Updates {CH00150948}
  3. NEW: All suspend BPM operations now allow you to specify an expiry time {CH00141165}
  4. NEW: Service owners can now record and review the availability of a service {CH00152730}
  5. NEW: Ability to automatically change a request Service Level target based on the Service Levels rules applied {CH00142342}
  6. NEW: Scheduling a Change via BPM now supports variables when specifying the start and end dates {CH00152804}
  7. NEW: Customise the columns for each of your views {CH00128258}
  8. CHANGE: Connections against a request are ordered alphabetically {CH00153139}
  9. FIX: Escalation emails configured to send to "Specified Recipients" can fail when changing request Service Level where no targets are initially set {PM00153745}
  10. FIX: Category Tree remains expanded to the level selected when raising the previous request {PM00153631}
  11. FIX: Problem with selected mailbox when switching between the email composer and email operation {PM00153606}
  12. FIX: Sending a second email using the non-composer email action would fail to send {PM00153689}
  13. FIX: Service subscription form button alignment is incorrect when multiple pages of subscribers are shown {PM00153579}
  14. FIX: Hornbill notifications are not sent on sub-status change when a request automatically comes off-hold {PM00153013}
  15. FIX: Ability to link directly to the start of a progressive capture script without needing to navigate via the catalog items screen {PM00153473}
  16. FIX: Email action focus should not change when modifying an email message {PM00153487}
  17. FIX: The Raised By property is not populated when printing a request {PM00153144}
  18. FIX: Assets Software Product and Version labels displaying undefined {PM00153829}
  19. FIX: Catalog not visible to a Co-Worker when their team is excluded but the user is included {PM00153615}
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