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Issue - Raise new Ticket function


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Good Afternoon All,


Does anyone else have issues with the raise new function.

As a rule of thumb we tend to use the "raise new" button to open a new ticket, However if you use the drop down next to the raise new button you obviously get the ticket type to raise. If you use this option it seems to follow a different Progressive capture route.



As you can see i am not using any out of the box BPM or P.C for this yet is still gives me two diffrent route depending on how i raise a new ticket ...????



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@J_Tamburrini each of the raise request options has a different PC which is linked to it:

And in each of these PC's you may have different questions, and you may or may not have included a branch / switch option after the service details form to invoke the PC linked to the chosen catalog items. 


You can configure all of these to use the same PC's but the idea if that you may have different requirements for each request type, and the raise new just affords you the ability to have info before deciding on the request type to raise it as.

You do also have a setting to hide the drop down and only allow the Raise New route if you want to enforce consistent logging and not have to worry about agents following different paths and having to manage each PC linked to each.


Hope this helps


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