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Version only show "Undefined"

Aaron Summers

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I am currently working on to update software information to reflect accurate information of each software including product and version.

However when I added information to Version and then click update. I went back to the software asset to edit "Software Information", click on Vendor, then product and version. This is what happened: 


Despite of the information that already input, see below:


Can you have a look and see whether this is a bug or there is a specific characters to type in order for it to appear?

Aaron Summers :)

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Also I want to add another thing to this,

I would think it useful if it would be able to show the total number of members that have access to the software?

See below:

It would help us tremendously to be able to quick glance of the number instead of counting of each member.

Kind regards,
Aaron Summers :) 

Edited by Aaron Summers
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Can I just add to what @Aaron Summers has requested, could we also have an ability to set a maximum number of users we can set against an asset?

For example certain software may have a restricted number of licences so if we can set a max. No of user to a field in Asset Details.

  • If empty or not visibld then unlimited users can be assigned to an asset
  • If a number is defined then this is the maximum number of users who can be assigned to an asset.

This will go hand in hand with the count of users. For example you might see 20/50 or 45/50. If not defined then you will just see the count.



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20 hours ago, samwoo said:

ability to set a maximum number of users we can set against an asset

I have raised a change which is now in our backlog.  We will look to introduce an option per asset that restricts the number of users it is shared with.  As part of this setting, it may need to restrict the sharing to only individual users, and not groups.  I will update this post with any progress or news about scheduling.



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