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Form Designer/Details/Per Service - Clarity needed


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I've just been doing some reading around the 'Details' section of calls and how I can use the Custom fields to insert information from the Questions area (from a progressive capture) so that I'm able to report on it and I came across the following within the WIKI which refers to Service Request Configuration.

  • Form Designer
It is possible for you to define custom fields to use against each request type per service. Using the form designer you can edit which default fields will be displayed in the Details section of each request form, as well as add new fields, set field validation, configure mandatory options and using drag and drop to re-order how the required fields will be displayed.

Does this mean that I have the full use of all the Custom fields per Service if I configure the details section via the Service?

We've already used a couple of custom fields but these were setup when we first got the system and never setup or designed via the service but via a basic request so they are already showing as used when I explore the design option via a Service.  I don't want to change anything until I fully understand how Custom fields work.

I'd be grateful if someone can confirm how they work as I need to know for something now and as we have other services interested in using Hornbill in the future and I'm sure they will need to use Custom fields too.



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Hi @Tina.Lapere 

The custom fields you add are specific to the request type and service - so you are right in what you say.

IT Configure the SR Form for Service 1 with custom fields (A,B,C Etc)

IT can configure custom fields (A,B,C ETC) on the SR form for service 2

Another department offering service 3 can use the Custom fields (A,B,C ETC) on their SR form 

In the example above all three SR forms on the three different services are using custom fields A,B,C differently and to their needs and not impacting the forms of other services. 

You can configure the form per request type on the service view or if you open the details section on a request logged against a service and of a specific request type, you can achieve the same thing (as the request is logged against a service and request type)

Hope that helps




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