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Hi @stuartmclennan thanks for the question, this is not possibly today however we are just completing a story which will allow the inclusion of custom field columns in your views and in turn the ability to export the fields holding that custom data.

So when this is available you might want to look up the Site's Notes field (if you hold the managers in that field) and as part of your bpm and then insert these into a request custom field and you will then be able to display the field and export it with other request data

You might spot a couple of custom columns in this sneak preview below :) 



This story is not going to make the next Service Manager build which is due in the next week, but could make the following one in the coming weeks so keep your eye out on the release notes and this should provide you with what you need



@stuartmclennan no workaround i am afraid - you can only display the available columns on the request list.  The only thing you could do is copy the info if you hold it in the notes field of a site, and put it into the summary field which is displayed in the request list or info say the external ref field which again is shown in the request list.

* You can re-label the ext ref field using the translation strings if needed

* You can use the business process nodes to get site info and then update request > fields to achieve this

As i say the story to allow you to add custom columns to views has been developed but it needs to complete rounds of testing etc but being pushed as an update - nothing we could escalate as the development is already done it just needs to go through testing before we can push the update.  With our continuous deployment approach the positive here is that you will get this in a matter of weeks (or sooner) compared to the old development approach where you may have had to wait until a 6 monthly or annual update

  • Victor changed the title to Additional export columns from request list view
  • 3 weeks later...

@stuartmclennan just an update to let you know the Service Manager update which allows you to add custom columns to your views has been released today and is available to you. This means the information held in custom fields on the request can now be displayed in custom columns that you add to your request views. 

See info on wiki: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Request_List_Views 


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