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Multiple identical emails being recieved when sent from Ticket

Paul Trenter

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As the title suggests, we are seeing instances where we send an email update to the customer from a ticket.  I'll often CC myself.  Rather than getting one copy of the email, recipients will often find 2 or as seen today 3 identical update emails come through at the same time.

The email view in Service Manager shows only one being sent so not sure what might be causing this.

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@Paul Trenter Can you clarify for me please. In your initial descirption you said "Rather than getting one copy of the email, recipients will often find 2 or as seen today 3 identical update emails come through at the same time." 
Since you copy the emails to yourself, did you receive 2 or 3 copies of the email or just one?

I understand you saw 3 identical email updates on the request. 


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Hi @Pamela Here is another example from this morning.  we sent an update from a ticket to the customer and CC the distribution group of which I'm a member.  In the Hornbill email sent folder we see it showing sending correctly



But then in my email inbox I find 2 emails received, both identical.  Everyone else in the distribution group gets 2 emails too as well as the customer.


We seem to be getting 2 copies every time consistently now, although one time yesterday we received 3 copies.

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@Paul Trenter It is very difficult at this point to determine whether the users are unintentionally clicking the button 2-3 times thinking the email has not gone. Therefore, we have made a change to Service Manager so that an email sent icon is presented as soon as the email is sent. Perhaps we could give this a try and let us know if the multiple email updates issue is still happening afterwards. We will let you know as soon as this is available on the Forums Announcements section.



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Does anyone have any further thoughts on this?  All updates this morning saw 2 emails received by all recipients.  We've now resorted to sending manual email updates outside of Hornbill. 

Email notifications on opening and closing tickets work just fine.  It's when sending via the email option within a ticket that we see the problem.

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@Paul Trenter I am sorry I think I was not clear earlier. This has been worked on but is not yet available. In my update on Friday I said we will let you know on the Forums when it is available as it will be included in the announcement as a feature we have added. The feature is still coming and it will enable analysts to see an Email Sent icon once an email has been sent. I have no ETA at the moment but should not be more than 2 weeks.




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Ahh sorry @Pamela, I saw an update to Service Manager just after your response and thought that was it.   Will have more patience, thanks for getting back to me.

As I say, the issue isn't with the email not being sent.  It shows in the email sent folder as being sent once.  It is received twice though. 

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@Paul Trenter I understand what you mean. It would still be better to run the update with this change. That way when the analyst sends an email and if the Sent Email icon appears we would like to see the behaviour thereafter. To see if the email will be in Sent Items twice and if the email will be received twice. This actually shows consistency if it's in Sent Items twice and being received twice. Hopefully after the change we make this will stop happening



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