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Auto assign a new users to a specific organisation


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Is is possible to automatically assign a new user to a specific organisation, depending on their site?

We are taking on support of a site in Italy and want them to see a different list if Services in the portal. I can create a new organisation and filter the service against this, but I don't want to have to manually add users to the organisation. Or is there a better way of doing this? Thanks

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Hi @AndyHodkinsonPrincesIT 

I am not sure how you are creating and importing your users into Hornbill, but this looks like something you could achieve using the LDAP User Import Utility


Specifically this bit  - so basically if you have a directory attribute which you can use to determine which group a user should belong to then this utility could be an option for you.

I am sure you will read it, but the attribute value needs to map the Hornbill group name - as it will do a check and if there is a match it can add the user to the group, this can be repeated for multiple groups 


This isn't my area of expertise but if you wanted some assistance with this i am sure it would be possible via expert services, or the above is all documented on the wiki and is pretty detailed if you are comfortable in this area. 

* If you are using a different method for importing / updating your users then i would recommend speaking with our customer success team before attempting to switch to this utility or make significant changes, this is your user data after all :)

We do have other options for adding users to Hornbill groups, roles and in fact creating Hornbill users as part of your new starter process completely and this can be achieved using the Hornbill iBridge:


https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Hornbill_Integration_Bridge (Example of creating a new user in Azure, Salesforce and Hornbill - adding to groups which are in turn used to manage subscriptions to services) 

There is lots of useful info on iBridge above but again if you were looking to make significant changes to your user import / creation processes i would always recommend speaking to our customer success team first and talking through options and the pros and any cons to the different approaches.


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