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Resolution Emails


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Is there an option to choose whether to send the resolution email to the customer, as there are some instances that we would not want to send the resolution email to the customer and wondered if there was a way to choose at the time of resolving job?



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@Jeremy as Dan suggests you could have a task at resolution time, which the agents use.

Outcome Options could be

* Resolve and send email

* Resolve no email needed

Off the back of the task, you could use the following to automate what you need:

* Use the Update Request option to - set the resolution text - from the reason text of the task 

* Use the Update Request option to - set the status to resolved

* Use a decision to branch on the above outcomes, and if an email is needed to be sent, then choose to send email, and if not no email will go

Using a task should not add any additional time, and the automation via the business process designer takes care of the actual resolution and sending / not sending of a resolution email


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