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When our routing rules logs a call, the assigned group gets a notification mail sent and the subject is not complete and includes strange characters.
Is this a know issue?

This an example how the email subject looks:
Incident - TMG Profile login 3c970ed84904 has been assigned to your g =?utf-8?B?cm91c?=

And this is how the email template looks like:
{{.H_requesttype}} - {{.H_summary|empty}} has been assigned to your group

Any help would be apprechiated


@P. Nordqvist I have seen similar behavior when template content is copied from another source (website, text editor, etc.)... this potentially introduces unwanted characters in the template which in effect corrupts the template and leads to this behavior... Looks like the corruption occurs within the word "group", right after letter "g" ...

Try this: edit the template and delete all text from the end of the sentence to the word "your". Then type in again the word "group". Let me know how it works afterwards...


@Victor Sorry, but I have to say it didn't help.

I removed the text "your group", saved the template, added the text again by typing it with my keyboard. I also made sure that there were no invisible characters behind "group" by using "Delete" on my keyboard at the end of the line.

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