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@Victor Hi, basically our processes are all the same, calls are raised and assigned to servicedesk so they check the details, they then assign to the team, in this case Luminate team, then someone in the team takes  ownership. The same for a manual email, teh call is raised and then assigned, which goes direct to the servicedesk team. All the BPM are the same the only chnage I made here was adding the slack integration and chnaged node2 in your picture form servicedesk to luminate team. This meant that call routed from email woulod be redirected to the luminate team.




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18 hours ago, chriscorcoran said:

the only chnage I made here was adding the slack integration and chnaged node2 in your picture form servicedesk to luminate team.

Ok, but then I am not sure of the purpose of node 1? .. I am saying this because, from what I can see in current configuration, node 2 will always overwrite the assignment from node 1, and this is before anyone actions on that request so in this scenario node 1 does nothing really... 

I had a look at some of the processes in your instance and there might be a less than optimal configuration here; in all teh processes I looked at (and is safe to assume that this applies for all processes as you mentioned) the first two nodes in all processes are: 1. Assign the request to Service Desk team and 2. Add the request to Service Desk board. Nothing wrong with this here, however, further down the line, after dealing with request priority and sending an email notification to customer you then have the exact same nodes (1 and 2) which are simply a duplicate of the first nodes. Because there is no analyst action up to this point and the process flows up to this point without any stopping, the presence of the same nodes negates the need of having them in the beginning... hope this makes sense. The current configuration will also cause duplicate notifications for teams, because the request is in fact assigned twice without a real need for being assigned twice...

My advice to optimise this configuration would be:

a. remove the first pair of the nodes in the process (assign the request to Service Desk team and add the request to Service Desk board) and relay on the second pair of these nodes later in the process, after prioritisation for the assignment and add to board purposes.

b. remove the second pais of the nodes in the process (assign the request to Service Desk team and add the request to Service Desk board) and relay on the first pair of these nodes for the assignment and add to board purposes. This would require to add the stage checklist to the first pair of nodes.

To cater for the team being assigned during email routing (via the routing rule templates) you can simply put a check (a decision node) before assignment and in the expression check if the request is already assigned to (e.g. "Laminate") team. If it is, then bypass the "assign the request to Service Desk team" node and if is not, then is fair to assume the request was logged manually in which case the process should assign the request to Service Desk team. This also caters for the duplicate email notification sent to Laminate team currently.

Below is a screenshot to show the two pair of nodes I mentioned above:


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