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I'm having a weird issue when I try to save a report

I do the following:

1. Go into a report:


2. Amend text in description (or anything at all)


but the save button stays greyed out...

Side Notes:

- I am the owner of the report

- I'm logged in as mojahid.miah

- The report was a copy of an existing report

- I have logged out and then back in

- I've closed all my browser windows - cleared my history and tried again

- The only way I can currently save the amended report is to use the drop down arrow and select 'Save as'

- I go into any of my other reports and I now have the same issue, where I can't save any of them

- I've tried a different browser (Usually use Chrome - tried Firefox)

Not sure why this is happening but it's happened before. I went back to reports a few days later and it started allowing me to save again



I did notice one other thing just now.

There is a report that I can amend and save.

However, when I go out of it and try to amend a different report, the save button on the different report stays greyed out...

Could it be that the report is currently locked for me to work with and not letting me work on another one?

I tend to click on the breadcrumb menu 'Reports' to go out of the report itself:


Also, when I go into this specific report, BEFORE  I make any changes, the save button isn't greyed out:




Hi @mojahidm

I noticed this with a report I extracted from your instance the other day after our remote session. I have a feeling it is an issue with those reports specifically - they have become corrupt in some way. I will pass this to our developers for investigation, but in the meantime - I know its a bit of a pain but could you try and create a fresh report, and recreate the same criteria as the one in your screenshots. Then make a minor amendment to it and see if the save button works correctly on that?

Kind Regards



Hi @Bob Dickinson

I attempted to duplicate one of the reports.

As soon as I add the h_itsm_priority table, the save button greys out.

It looks like it might be the way I'm joining the tables, as when I tried a join with h_itsm_requests and h_sys_organizations on the Organization ID - the save button wasn't greyed out anymore

I'll keep digging :-)


Hi @Bob Dickinson

I've started to look at reports again. Taking 'Sandbox Official 1.Incidents logged Count Ver2 - Date and Org Works' as an example - the report itself is working fine. I can run it and I'm getting the data that I expected.

However, when I make a change to it, the save button stays greyed out. I was hoping that the issue would resolve itself over time, but it doesn't appear to have done so



Another side note: I've recreated the report and it works fine. Like you said the report appears to have been corrupted (not sure why)

Happy for this thread to be closed :-)

Kind regards,



Hi @mojahidm

Thanks for the updates. We are able to replicate the save issue and we will look to provide a fix. Thank you for your updates though, they are very useful. 

Kind Regards


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