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Against each service that  we make available to our external customers there are a number of columns of information shown on the 'Requests' tab:


Priority is not one of the columns  (this is a mandatory field requirement for all of our request services). What we have also found via a build up of customer complaints to us is that the Priority is not even visible when they open up the request to look at the detail. 

How can I make Priority visible through the portal ?

Thanks in advance



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Hi Paul

We're in the same situation - at one of our review meetings with our customers they've mentioned that they are unable to see how we're performing via the Customer Portal and have to rely on our reporting. If we could get priorities and maybe even those SLA traffic lights etc. included that would mean so much for our customers.




HI @James Ainsworth 

Sorry if this is not your field but is this something that can be tailored ?  Its currently causing us quite a bit of hassle with two of our external Organisations who are threatening to stop using the solution for logging support requests

Any help/guidance would be appreciated 




Hi @Paul Smith

We do have a change that is planned which would allow you to define which columns are displayed in the portal request list.  I already have you linked to this change.  While it is not scheduled for development yet, it is fairly high up the list.  I'll have a review of the change to see what more can be done. 



Hi @Paul Smith

Many of our changes are initiated from the customer forums.  It is important for us to track these requests and the related forum posts.  Once a change is in place we use the Connections feature to keep track of who is interested in the requirement. The number of Connections is one of the criteria that we use for prioritising a change (limiting it to one connection from each organisation).   

We also link the forum posts to the related change to allow us to come back and update the progress of the change.  Provided that you are following this forum post, you will be notified here of any updates.



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