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We have setup some routing rules to automatic log calls when the mail has a specific subject.
When these calls are logged, an email is sent to the team, but the catalog item information is missing.
The mail looks like this:

Reference: SR00000229

Customer: Nordqvist, Per

Service: Office / {{.H_catalog}}

Summary: Mailsweeper block Info

The email template used looks like this:

Reference: {{.H_pk_reference}}

Customer: {{Customer Coworker.H_name}}

Service: {{.H_fk_servicename}} / {{.H_catalog}}

Summary: {{.H_summary}}

This only happens when any of our routing rules has created the call, not if the analyst logs the call manually.
To me it looks like the emails are sent and bit too early before the call is completely logged with all necessary information.



@P. Nordqvist


It could be that the auto responder is not setting the catalog item when logging the incident. When you view the incident in question in the user app, is the Catalog items shown along with the Service in brackets in the right-hand panel? 



3 hours ago, Martyn Houghton said:

It could be that the auto responder is not setting the catalog item when logging the incident.

@P. Nordqvist so @Martyn Houghton is somewhat right with this statement :) The AR is indeed not setting the catalog item... to be more precise it is not setting the catalog item name. It does however set the catalog item ID. These are the reasons why the a) request is showing the catalog item (because SM is using the ID to display the CI details) and why b) the variable in the email template is empty.

I understand this is now being looked into by our dev team.

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