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Hi, I guess you can consider this as a feature request for the service portal.

In SupportWorks Self-Service portal we are used to that our customers (co-workers) have the ability to view assets they are assigned as owner to.
Would it be possible to add this feature in service.hornbill.com/instancename as well?

Today it is only possible to add the "Asset Details"  (for some reason only 5 assets are shown) form in a progressive capture also for the co-workers, but it would be nice to have an additional link at the top of the page named "My Assets" where they can simply see the assets they are either owner or user of.


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We'd also find this useful, especially if there was also the option to extend it so line managers could view assets assigned to their reports as well (as you can do with the visibility of requests).

Many thanks,



+1 from us aswell! 

Another idea is to be able to raise a request related to their assets.

10 hours ago, P. Nordqvist said:

have the ability to view assets they are assigned as owner to.

Hi Per,

There is some current functionality that provides this for full subscription users.   Assigned assets are visible on the user's profile.  It is likely that this will also made available as part of the portal at some point.  Nothing scheduled at the moment however we will look at having this in our backlog as planned work.




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