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I must be missing something... i'm sure this has been raised before but cannot find any posts about it :o

Either i'm going bonkers or it doesn't exist... but how do I stamp the current name or the user who is sending the email? This would need to pull into the Email Template as well as the Email Snippets when emailing from a Request.

Whilst I am at it, is there a way for the variables to look at the current users in the "To:" box and pre-populate with the first name of the first person in that box using a variable? This also needs to happen within the email templates as well as the snippets.



4 minutes ago, samwoo said:

how do I stamp the current name or the user who is sending the email?

You can't... what you can have is the name of the user that is the owner of the call (which might not be the same as the one that is actually sending the email)


:( - Thanks for the response...

I would like to request for this feature - might this be possible?


Yes has been raised before...but +1 to @samwoo request as an enhancement.




That would be great if you can do this - thanks! So here is my request:

1. Pull in the "Currently Operating User"* details into the variables and allow these variables to be selected in the Email Templates

2. Pull in the "Current Operating User"* details into the variables and allow these variables to be selected in the Email Snippets

3. Look for the first person in the To: box and use this information in the variables (obviously this would only work if the person in the To: box is populated before the snippet is generated)

And plus the ideas that others may have had regarding this. I knew this was an idea from long ago so i would like to bump this up as high as I can(t?) :rolleyes:



*Currently Operating User - the person who is sending the emails

  • 2 months later...

This has caused another data breech issue for me - one analyst was trying to be "helpful" on another analyst's request. So now the customer and owner of the request are both very unhappy.

The system must know who is the current analyst (eg. who is pressing send). Please can this urgently be looked at again. I'm sure you ALL your customers would appreciate a new field to be used in email templates ("current user"). This is something most would expect is there as standard.



  • 1 month later...

Has there been any development in this area?




This is also an issue for us, as different users will be update other users incidents.

Included link to earlier post with the the same requirement to have additional snippet variables including the context of the current user.



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