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Automatically remove from a board after a given time period?

lee mcdermott

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Hi @lee mcdermott there isn't an action to delay the removal of a request from a board for after a specific period of time, however you could achieve the same result by using the Expire options which are on other BPM nodes - such as 

* Task

* Suspend await status change

* Suspend await request update

So at the appropriate point in the process, use one of the above (maybe a task) set the task Expire to 28 days and then follow it with decision and and outcome of expire - then you can use the remove from board node following the expire path.

Just a thought 




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@lee mcdermott i have done a quick test and the expiry option on a task after a request is closed works fine

In my example below i Auto Close then do a check if it was a major incident, close linked requests, send notifications then have a task set to expire after 2 mins, with an outcome of expire and then remove from board


Hope that helps

We will explore the options of even having a generic Suspend for a defined period of time option

We also have a story for the remove from any boards which will remove a request from any board it is on, again as this progresses we will post back


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  • Victor changed the title to Automatically remove from a board after a given time period?

@Steven Boardman


thanks steve. I will give this a try.


On a slightly separate note I was going to start looking at how we deal with and process major incidents. i noticed your example is checking if it is a major incident.

How or what is this actually checking is it just a certain priority level or is there something in Hornbill where you can actually specify the call as being a major incident?

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HI @lee mcdermott in my example i am simply checking the priority of the request to see if it is Major in my example i check this on logging, to see if a Major Incident Comms plan needs invoking, and at the end of the workflow to see what i need to do to close it down.  You could of course look at any other value to determine if it is a major incident, such as a request custom field as a tick box.

On the demo instance, if you want to take a look their is an example major incident process which takes care of:

* Adding operational management

* Adding in senior management

* Invoking the relevant Service Level Targets

* Notifying all interested parties (email and workspaces) as the major incident proceeds and is updated

* Use of hot topics Boards

* Closure of all linked requests 

* removal from boards

Access the sandbox at admin.hornbill.com/demo

user: grahamc

password: H0rnbill 

In the process designer take a look at the Desktop Support example

Hope it helps


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