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Hello Everyone

The latest build of Hornbill Admin Tool (819) has been released to live.

Change Log for this release are as follows:


  • Workflow - BPM Editor: Add ability to define task custom capture fields at task level and task outcome level.
  • Workflow - BPM Editor: integration node - show "Type to search..." placeholder in searchable listboxes if not set.
  • Workflow - Bpm Editor: Variable picker contextmenu - add same sorting feature as variable picker popup.
  • Workflow - Bpm Editor: Variable picker popup - do not sort pcf form questions alphabetically.
  • Workflow - Bpm Editor: When displaying progressive capture process var list, handle processes that do not have a create date.
  • Paging on Measures list wouldn’t change page
  • Workflow : BPM / PCF table view filtering was no longer doing a %value% search. Re-instated behavior.
  • Workflow - PCF Editor - Switch To Process Node was showing filtered list of processes from PCF list view (cache list being filtered)
  • dev utils - Array dynamic Sort - check for properties that are undefined
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