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☣ Request List - No scroll bar when a user is part of a huge number of teams

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Some of our Hornbill users, particularly the managers who are a part of multiple teams (in the region of about 20+ teams) are reporting being unable view or scoll down the entire list when choosing the Team's request they wish to view in the Request List.

[I will try to get a screenshot here from one of these users]

At least three users are a part of at least 26 teams, and the list is higher than their monitor's resolution (1920x1080) and are unable to scroll up and down this list select the teams at the bottom.

They've tried this in both Google Chrome and Internet Explorer and it's showing the same behaviour.

Please can we have a scroll bar added to the "List of Teams" in the Request List if it extends beyond the height of the visible screen?




Not sure about the issue ... but I'm trying to see how you got the biohazard icon in there, in the thread title... that's quite cool ;) 

35 minutes ago, Victor said:

Not sure about the issue ... but I'm trying to see how you got the biohazard icon in there, in the thread title... that's quite cool ;) 

Well in order to satisfy your curiosity, have a look here: https://www.alt-codes.net/miscellaneous-symbols these symbols are a part of the Character Sheets used by all systems. It's pretty epic and makes for an eye-catching title having the Biohazard Symbol on there.

I am still unable to get a screenshot of the issue (they all went home!), but these users are unable to scroll the list of teams when expanding it in the Request List... if the list expands beyond the height of their screen.



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As a workaround, they could use the advanced search to access the requests for the teams that they are unable to select from the list.  It is a few extra clicks but hopefully will give them the view that they need until we decide how to manage the menu.



@James Ainsworth,

That is correct - I wonder if it may seem odd that a user could be a member of 20+ teams, but they monitor everything to ensure it's all running smoothly across Hornbill.

I will pass on the temporary workaround until you come up with a solution.

Many thanks,




It does seem a little unusual to see someone as a member of 20+ teams, but I see that as someone monitoring a Service Desk this might be required.  This may also open up some discussions on providing more ways for people to monitor teams without being part of the team.  One example is to allow the assigning of one or more Service Owners to a service, providing them access to all the requests for that service without being a member of a team that supports that service.

I'm not too fond of seeing scroll bars in menu items so it would be good to understand if this is restricted to a small number of users and if these users would consider other ways of accessing the data without being a member of the team and therefore not having all the teams in this list.  It might be as simple as allowing the Quick Filter to filter on team.  

In any case we need to prevent the menu from ever going beyond the size of the screen.




  • 4 weeks later...

We are supporting 4 organisations and have many more than 20+ (58), which gives our admin a nightmare when trying to give teamleaders, managers access to multiple teams.

You've managed to allow scrolling teams list from within a request (eg. when assigning to a team) but not in the request list view which is frustrating for us.

It does feel you don't expect your customers for have more than 20 teams, but unfortunately we didn't realise the pain we would have once we went down this line.

Can you have another look as this is a real bugbear - once you have lots of team managing them currently is very time consumer (no copy user's team, or add all options).


Hi @nasimg

Thanks for your post. 

In my view, if a menu extends past the visible screen and the teams at the bottom of the list can't be selected, then this is a defect and it will be addressed as such.

When it comes to the number of teams, personally I have always expected there to be much more than 20 teams.  My thoughts were more toward a single person being part of 20 teams, but your mention of managers and team leaders implies that these are the cases where this might be an issue with this list.  Hopefully providing a scroll bar on this list will help in this one area.

We have just completed an update to the Available for Assignment option that is available within in Administration under Service Manager->Configuration->Service Desk. Previously, you had to have at least one person on each team available for assignment.  This restriction has now been removed.  This means that you can create one or more Manager Teams for which non of the members can be assigned requests and the Team will not be visible on any of the assignment options.  This way a Managers team can be assigned to a Service which in return will provide visibility of all the teams that support that service, without the manager having to be added to each team.  This will be available in one of the upcoming Service Manager updates.

Another area that we are looking at is providing the ability to have multiple Service Managers/Owners assigned directly to a service.  This way they would have visibility of the all the teams that support the service along with all the requests, without having to be added to a team.

11 hours ago, nasimg said:

once you have lots of team managing them currently is very time consumer (no copy user's team, or add all options).

Is there a particular area that you are referencing when it comes to copy a user's team and add all options?




Thanks @James Ainsworth

Do we need to report the defect - or is it already being investigated

Our issue is when we setup analysts, having a copy option would help get the correct roles, and organisations bits filled in quickly for us. Your update will be useful to manager.

I've raised this before but just like the team list defect,  adding multiple organisations to a user has be one at a time (eg. I can't add 3 organisations in one go) - whereas adding multiple users to an organisation can be done in one step. Good to be consistent in the forms.


On 5/11/2018 at 12:26 PM, nasimg said:

Do we need to report the defect - or is it already being investigated

@nasimg I do apologise but I am not sure what defect you mean here?

On 5/11/2018 at 12:26 PM, nasimg said:

I've raised this before but just like the team list defect,  adding multiple organisations to a user has be one at a time (eg. I can't add 3 organisations in one go)

I can't seem to find the thread where this was raised...:unsure:may I ask to post the link please?


Hi @Victor

The defect query was directed at James, but the it is about the team list not scrolling if you have 20+ teams (in the request view) - its what this whole topic was about (see the title :D).

About the "adding multiple orgs" to a user (typically an analyst) I hadn't posted in forum but sent you an email (see your reply to me Fri 10/11/2017 08:53). As I said I think the menu's should behave consistently.



3 hours ago, nasimg said:

The defect query was directed at James, but the it is about the team list not scrolling if you have 20+ teams (in the request view) - its what this whole topic was about (see the title :D).

@nasimg ok, I understand. I just wanted to confirm what the issue is since there were several topics discussed here (or how I see it anyway)...

3 hours ago, nasimg said:

About the "adding multiple orgs" to a user (typically an analyst) I hadn't posted in forum but sent you an email (see your reply to me Fri 10/11/2017 08:53)

I'm off to a trip down the memory lane then, I'll be right back...


@nasimg ok, found the email and I still say I won't classify this as a defect, the functionality is working as designed/intended. It is certainly a design flaw here though as you said, there are inconsistencies between different areas. So my original suggestion (to raise it on forums) remains valid for the "add multiple organisations to user" request which is something for @James Ainsworth and/or @Steven Boardman to consider...


Hi @nasimg

This issue being looked at is based on the original post which is to do with the length of the list of teams on the Request List.  image.png

I believe that the other area that you have asked about is within the Administration portal around the creation of users and organisation groups.  For functionality related to Administration it is best to post it separately under the Administration topic so that it can be reviewed and managed by the appropriate people. 



  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @James Ainsworth

Any updates on the no scroll option - using you workaround but getting slightly stress now....please push to get a fix






Hi @nasimg

The associated defect for this is in the developer queue.  The turnaround that the development team provided for defect fixes is very good.  The overall number of active defect records that are currently open is also minimal.  While I can't give a time frame for when this will be available, I would like to think that it shouldn't be too long until it is completed.



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  • 3 weeks later...

We have completed the work to provide a scroll bar in the list of teams on the Request List.  Provided that there are no further issues found with this, we should see this in the next Service Manager update.




Good news - thanks for the update

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