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E-mail customer when ticket put on-hold / resumed


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Hi, I would like the customer to be e-mailed when a ticket is placed on hold that includes the reason text in the e-mail.  Similarly, the customer to be e-mailed when the ticket is resumed.  Does this need to be designed in a BPM or is there a global configuration option that can be set to enable this?

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Hi @ShalilK

Sorry for the delay in responding to your post.  We do have a change in our backlog where were are looking to introduce a setting that would send an email to a customer if there is an update that has the visibility of customer. Anything set with the visibility of Customer will already be visible to the customer in the Self Service portals.  As a customer may not be aware of the updates on the portals without visiting the portals, this change will notify the customer of the update by email which could also include the use of an email template with links back to Self Service.

Would this fit your needs?





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We currently achieve this through the BPM itself using a human task. We take the reason text from the human activity, put into one of the custom fields, trigger an email customer node which uses a template set to use the custom field we used to pass the text and then clear the custom field.

It a bit involved, but allows us to do this for some of our services which work this way.



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James, the change would definitely work for us.  Do you have a time frame as to when this functionality would be available?

Martyn, thanks for your input.  I will look into the solution you have suggested.



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On 4/11/2018 at 5:46 PM, James Ainsworth said:

We do have a change in our backlog where were are looking to introduce a setting that would send an email to a customer if there is an update that has the visibility of customer.

I would use this feature for placing a Request on hold, but would not want to do this for any other type of update.
Will we be able to be that granular when enabling/disabling the feature?

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12 hours ago, DeadMeatGF said:

Will we be able to be that granular when enabling/disabling the feature?

At the moment the change is planned to just have the ability to turn on email notifications to customers for updates that are set with the visibility of Customer.  We will also look at options for a customer to opt out of these notifications.

Like many of our features, we will usually start with a base feature.  After a feature has been used by customers and we have been provided some feedback, we then look at additional requirements that can be added or improved. 



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