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Failed email inbound routing


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I appear to have broken a process.  Everything was working fine until I attmepted to make a change however once reverting the change it no longer works.

Basically, emails are no longer being automatically attached to a ticket for a partincular process.  These are for automated remote access requests, user logs a request on the portal which sends an email to a mailbox monitored by powershell.  Once they have been added to the group the script emails the user and service manager.  This email was being attached to the ticket.  The problem is, these tickets require no interaction from the service desk yet they were being assigned to their queue which they would like stopping.

I tried to change this by creating a new team.  I added an automation node near the beginning of the process that would assign it to the new team.  Whilst the assignment works, the emails have stopped automatically being attached to the call.  Later in the process, a 2nd email should be received by Service Manager and this is required in order to automaticaly take the call off hold.  Neither of these emails are being processed.  I've reverted the change yet the issue remains.

How do I troubleshoot inbound routing issues?  Which log file should I examine?



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Thanks Dan

This is appearing in the log around the time the email fails to process:


Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/arOperation:updateRequest] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/flowcode/fc_ar/updateRequest): nodeName: Exception; nodeId: 8e71d411-f1bc-4aa1-b802-7d61e9a81402; At 727/1: "Uncaught FCSException: ERROR(001)"

Any ideas?

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@Victor @Steven Boardman will probably be more able to decipher Hornbill error messages.  

The last FCSException error I saw mentioned on the forum was resolved via Hornbill Support via a raised ticket though so I cant even look it up :( 

Edit: Is that error from the email creating a new ticket or trying to update the existing one? 

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@clampj @Dan Munns we're in the process of changing the error codes to make them meaningful... ERROR 001 means the routing rule processed an email from an unknown source and system is configured to not allow updates from such sources... Have a look if the email sender (the From Address) exists in Hornbill wither either as a user or as a contact... or change the setting to allow processing emails from unknown sources (app.email.routing.rules.unknownUsers.allow)

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Hi Victor

All sorted, I changed the email address associated with the mailbox that send the emails back to SM to something more meaning.  I hadnt been notified by service desk that this caused them to have to manually attach emails to call so I thought the change I made yesterday had broken it when in fact it hadnt - I broke it a week ago. Doh!



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