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Catalog Item - Internal Notes

Martyn Houghton

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At the moment under a Catalog Item you have the Title and the Description, both of which are 'public' and displayed on the Service/Customer Portal. It would be useful to have a Notes field on the Catalog Items to contain internal notes/description which can be used by the Service Owner to record information, such as changes, catalog specific setup etc.



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Thanks for your post Martyn.  There isn't anything in our backlog for this at the moment but I'll keep an eye on this and let you know if any planned changes that come up for this.  I'm also interested to hear from other customers that might have this same requirement. 



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Not a bad idea @Martyn Houghton:D 

@James Ainsworth  In our case, we could definitely use this for similar reasons to the ones mentioned by Martyn.

Ideally this field would also be mapped to the search engine where we could use a series of keywords (not visible to our customers but to the service owner) and improve the search feature.

+ 1 

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