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Hello Everyone

The latest build of Hornbill ESP (2874) has been released to live.

Change Log for this release are as follows:


  • The operations indexer::docAdd, indexer::docAddUsingID, indexer::docUpdate and indexer::docDelete now allow you to provide a Hold-Off time. This allows applications that can tolerate eventual index consistency optimise the number of index changes that are being made.
  • Added utility::cryptGenerateRandomBytes, utility::cryptGenerateRandomString and utility::cryptHornbillEcryptBytes operations
  • The operation session::userProfileGet and session::userProfileSet now allow you to set/get user regional settings
  • The operations session::userProfileVisibilityGet and session::userProfileVisibilitySet can now be invoked by basic users
  • The operation time::getTimezoneList can now be invoked by basic users
  • The operations session::userProfileGet and session::userProfileSet now work for Basic users
  • The operation indexer::docDelete is now asynchronous, the API call will return immediately without waiting for the index to be updated
  • The operation indexer::docUpdate is now asynchronous, the API call will return immediately without waiting for the index to be updated
  • The operation indexer::docAddUsingID is now asynchronous, the API call will return immediately without waiting for the index to be updated
  • The operation indexer::docAdd is now asynchronous, the API call will return immediately without waiting for the index to be updated
  • Is is now possible to reference a private key to use for encryption in the utility:cryptHornbillEncryptBytes operation
  • Optimized data::entityUpdateRecord operation. The entity shadow index is now only updated when one or more columns that are configured to be indexed is changed. If a change is made to columns that are not configured to be indexed then no index update will occur.
  • Optimized data::entityUpdateRecord and data::entityAddRecord operations, removed unnecessary SQL query as required field data already present in memory
  • The operation data::updateRecord now correctly allows the setting of empty text values
  • {#PM00141419} Tasks Grouping not properly working for different timezones
  • The session::userProfileGet operation did not correctly populate siteName output param
  • Solved a problem where the indexer service would not always shutdown properly/cleanly.
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