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We updated our Service Manager software on 11/01/2018.  Previous update was back in October 2017 so we were a few versions behind by the time January came!

Since then, our development community have lost the ability to amend a Simple List (that they created) and can validate but not save a procapture.

Please see attached the permission roles they have and the error they get when trying to save a procap.

Those of us with SuperUser role can still perform these tasks


Please help! :o)

procap save error.PNG



Hi @Stuart Torres-Catmur,

We are looking into this and apologies for the inconvenience that this is causing.

Was the user presented with the error when saving a change to a Progressive Capture form via the Admin Tool (i.e. admin.hornbill.com/.../app/com.hornbill.servicemanager/workflow/procapture/)?



@Stuart Torres-Catmur yes, looks like the "Progressive Capture Manager" role is missing a right... but nothing to do with the Service Manager update... just a coincidence you noticed it now... The fix can't be deployed immediately but I have a workaround to get this working ASAP. This requires creating a (temporary) custom role with only a specific right. I can create this custom role in your instance (if you like) then you can apply this role to any user who requires it?


@SJEaton @Stuart Torres-Catmur quick question(s): does Lorraine still encounters the issue when saving PCFs? There was a platform update on 25/01 which included a fix for this... second question, what is the error received by Foley? The "Simple List" role assigned to him is a custom role, perhaps it is missing some rights...


@SJEaton can you please confirm if Foley has a custom role associated for simple list management? If so, then this custom role needs to be amended and given all the required rights. From the latest screenshot, it seems the role does not have the necessary rights to make changes in the h_sys_lists table... 

What I am more concerned about is that if Lorraine still encounters an error when trying to save a PCF since I believe she has default roles associated with her user, which would be something we need to investigate and possibly fix...

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