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Assignment of mixed request types

Stuart Torres-Catmur

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We often want to assign a mixed group of requests (i.e. Service Requests, Incidents and maybe other request types?) to a given member of our team, but the bulk action feature (cog icon at top of list) doesn't appear. It appears if you only select requests of one type, but vanishes if you choose a variety of request types.  This is slows down assigning requests to our team. 

We also generally feel that the process of manually assigning a group of requests to an owner is rather too convoluted - too many clicks and not that intuitive.

Bulk select is fine, but it would be great to be able to do a drag and drop to a given team member or something comparable in terms of minimal clicks/keystrokes.

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@Stuart Torres-Catmur

This wiki page maybe of interest. 


There are restrictions in place for both the multi-select actions on both Services and Request Types but you do have the options to turn these restrictions off on a global (system wide) basis.  

* Please do pay close attention to the trade off of turning these restrictions off as detailed on the wiki, but this maybe something you want to explore


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