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Requests not updating in real-time


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I've just started using Service Manager and am testing out the functionality of the product.

One annoyance I've found however is that I have to manually refresh the webpage when assigning the call to an analyst whilst in an incident for example in order to see it take effect. Is that normal?

Using Google Chrome currently if that makes any difference.

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Hi @dwalby

Having to refresh the page is not normal.  Any action that you apply to the request should be seen immediately, and not only for you but also for anyone else who might be looking at the request when you make the change.

We may have to have a look at your logs or have someone from the support team take a look.



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It may also be worth trying again in a little bit.  Thinking of the time that it is in the UK, you may find that you have hit the maintenance window during which time  some updates might be applied.  These are usually only a few minutes long, but you can sometime experience some events from not being triggered.   Do let us know if it persists.  


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@James Ainsworth I tested this further today with my product specialist and can confirm this is still happening.

When testing I raised an incident which automatically gets assigned to a team via the BPM, when viewing the incident I selected the assign action and assigned to an analyst, yet the HUD did not update to reflect this until refreshing the page.

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@dwalby I discussed this with James the other day, I remember a while back I assisted another customer with the exact same issue and it turned out to be a browser setting or an environmental setting... Unfortunately, I did not receive any further updates on the exact cause of the issue... (I can dig out the old forum thread I think)

So I don't think you are speaking too soon, it seems indeed to be caused by a configuration preventing this... I don't think you need to set the whole domain to bypass the proxy. Can you change the configuration and have eurapi.hornbill.com to bypass the proxy and let me know how it works?

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